Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Sharing Joy: Working with the Larger Group

Jenny and I are taking a break from our own practice in order to introduce the Joy Virtue practice to a larger group. We have been struck by how similar are the discoveries of the group and our own about the ground of joy. We all agreed that connection, flow, and trust werel a part of it. We agreed that there are many kinds of joy, even sad joy or heartbreaking joy, and that the opposite of joy seems to be alienation or disconnection more than grief.

It is often remarkable how similar are our experiences of the ground, and yet how different the ground might manifest for each person. Some find that flow happens most easily in new situations, others in situations that they are familiar with. Some find connection in people, some in landscape, some in working together, some in being alone. A number of people mentioned feeling joy when experiencing the grandeur of the mountains; but just as many people described the same joy when seeing the Manhattan landscape.  And of course, some take joy in both. We are all interested to see where our investigation will lead us.

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