Sunday, August 14, 2011

Joyful Body

We danced together on an empty, semipublic beach on the Connecticut shore. A passerby on a bicycle cheered us on. The following day the passerby, this time in a Mercedes convertible, stopped us on the street and applauded. The joy, it seems, was infectious.

We have been wondering about the connection between joy and our physical bodies: the surges of energies, the feeling of warmth, the impulse to dance or jump or shout. We are noticing how joy, whether exuberant or calm, whether intense or light, seems to reside in our bodies as a warm and energizing flow. When we connect to joy, this physical flow always seems to be there. We are surprised at how easy this flow can be, at least at times, to rouse. And we notice how contagious the flow seems to be once it is generated. So why don't we rouse it more often?

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